BTS takes care of your shipments from A to Z at home and abroad.
We collect the goods from the manufacturer and send them to every corner of the world or to our own warehouse in Hemiksem.
Various modes of transport are always compared to ensure the best rate and transit time.

Sea transport
BTS’s core business activity is maritime transport. We handle all your FCL/LCL, Ro-Ro, and break bulk shipments. Shipments to Africa, the Middle and Far East, or other destinations are part of our day-to-day business. We are consequently well acquainted with local customs and practices.
We are a member of the international FOR Network. Thanks to our global agents, we have people in the right places in all regions.

Road transport
Transport of containers, FTL, LTL to all European destinations or, of course, to our own warehouse in Hemiksem for storage or further handling.
Combined transport via barge or train is naturally also considered depending on the destination of the goods.

Air transport
In addition to maritime and road transport, BTS can also offer air transport.